GitHub Integration
This guide goes through the steps necessary to integrate Backtrace with GitHub. Setting up integration with GitHub requires a valid GitHub endpoint URL, as well as an API token.
The steps in this process are:
- Generate an API Token
- Set up Integration
Generate an API Token
In GitHub, click the menu in the upper-right and select "Settings". In the Personal Settings menu on the left, click "Personal Access Tokens", then "Generate new token" on the upper-right to generate an API token.
Customize the security settings as desired, making sure that the token is granted access to create new Issues. Make a note of the token, you will need it for configuration below.
To set up the integration, first go to the Configuration page within the Web Console:
Next, select the project you want to add a integration for:
Then click Integrations in the left-hand menu, then Create a New Integration on the right, and pick the integration:
These are the settings that you can configure for your GitHub integration:
For more information about these settings, please refer to the GitHub API Documentation
Next: After filling in the integration-specific settings, proceed to Common Settings to finish configuring the integration.