It is possible for third party platforms to offer debugging symbols as a direct download. In these cases, as they are not available on a public symbol server, we are not able to supply them within our defaults. A few know cases are:
- The renaming of a third party library like Electron,
- Whatever your preferred Linux distro is.
The following uses the case of an unsymbolicated Electron crash.
- Locating the symbol file name and debug ID:
- You can find this either by hovering over the missing symbol from a crash or by looking at the projects missing symbols list. Either will give you the file name, Electron Framework and the debug id,45E07FE79CAC31169A0459CA63D608A70
- If you are using a public Electron release, you will be able to find their symbols here:, to navigate to the version of Electron in use
- If you are unsure of the version in use, you can located the version attribute of the given crash, let’s say in this case that attribute is: 11.4.7
- MacOS this can get a bit tricky, but I was able to find a match in
- Specifically in the folder \\breakpad_symbols\Electron Framework\45E07FE79CAC31169A0459CA63D608A70
- After locating the symbol file you may need to update the file name to match that of the debug console within your backtrace project.
- In this case you would rename the symbol with debug id 45E07FE79CAC31169A0459CA63D608A70 to yourApplicationsName
- To upload the symbol, best practice is to add it to an active zip or tar. You can then either use curl or the webUI to upload the archive of symbol(s). Here are the support documents for either process:
- All crash data that was present within a given project before the symbols were uploaded, will need to be repossessed to account for the newly added symbols. All subsequent reports will be processed with the newly added symbols.